Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Big news for weigh-in Tuesday, plus my guest post at ALL THE WEIGH!

Good morning, and a beautiful weigh-in Tuesday morning it is.

I have some news for you.

It's big news.

As of this morning's weigh-in, I weigh 316 pounds.

I have lost 50 pounds.

I'm excited, and proud, and it makes me feel even more committed to my journey towards health and strength.  It's just a number, but to some people, it's a number that says "she isn't kidding around."  And I'm not.  This life journey is for real.

An exciting link for an exciting morning... Kenz at All the Weigh invited me to do a guest post, so you can head over to her blog to read my tips on how to be a foodie while losing weight.

I'll be back tomorrow with an Adventure Wednesday that is a celebration of my news today.  I can't wait to share it with you. And in case I haven't told you enough lately... your support is a major part of my success.  I am grateful to each and every one of you who is helping me along on my journey.

Take care of you today - and every day.  I know you can do it!


  1. Congratulations!!! You truly are an inspiration. :)

  2. DIG IT! Congratulations. And loved the guest post.

  3. As someone who puts some stock in celebrating the number 50, I salute you with a big WOOHOO!!!!

  4. Woo-hoo - Congrats, Heidi! And a lovely guest post, too. Excited for your adventure!

  5. Frelling awesome lovely lady!

  6. You are an inspiration! Congrats on losing each and every one of those 50!

  7. Yay! Congrats on hitting that milestone!

  8. Thank you so much, everyone. Please know that having your support as part of my life makes my journey possible.

  9. Wow. Such steady consistent progress. Weigh to go!

  10. Way to go! You are a rock star and I aim to be just like you *wink*

  11. Go Heidi! Go Heidi! It's ya birthday! :D

  12. Wow, wow, wow! Congratulations! So proud of you!

  13. That is a big moment! COngratulations!!!!!

  14. Heidi, your journey is truely amazing. You insprie all of us to be better and learn to live a fuller healthier life. Congrats on your 50. Keep on keeping on.
